Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Students have now received the username/password login information and have been in the computer lab today with both Mrs. Baillargeon and Mrs. Phelps receiving instruction on how to use the online components to the textbook. Each student was given a post-it with their login information. Please use the quick links on the tool bar to your right to access the websites.

Students are now able to login to our Pearson website and access their learning materials online. I am holding back on sending out username/passwords until next week as we will receive instruction from both classroom teachers on using the web-based curriculum on Monday 2-.08-16.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Free Vocabulary Practice

Join your classmates, and me, in Quizlet to study your vocabulary terms. Just click here to join our class.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Welcome 2016!!!

Wow this year has flown by and it is difficult to believe we are at the halfway point. This semester we will be shifting to Life Science and complete the Social Studies civilizations at the end of the year. This is a good time to replenish your students school supplies. Our class is going to shamelessly request Kleenex, Chlorox Cleanup Wipes, and pencils. Colored pencils are a really good idea for the notes and models your student will be creating during Life Science.

I have also created a new folder in Quizlet dedicated to the science terms. We will have a LOT of terms to learn so please study each night. Go to the Science Tab for a link to each lesson's vocabulary. Also, each student will require a folder with brads to keep their science notes, or a page divider in a 3-Ring binder.